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Random Photo Journal is pleased to announce the release of its fourth Print Issue: “Fruit of Labour” 

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Fruits of Labour is an issue focused on the artistic “fruits of Labour”, that is: Art which is past the tip of the iceberg, or art which has, at some point, put food on the table of the artists featured in the magazine. 

Image courtesy of Random Photo Journal

As creatives ourselves at Random Photo Journal, we understand that over the years many artists in their own little corners regularly come up with rough ideas sketched loosely on a napkin in a restaurant or on their iPhones, and for some, maybe most, these jotted down ideas metamorphose into something physical and tangible: A sketch that turned into a clothing brand, a mood that turned into a series of photographs, a sentence that became an essay, or work that is just work because the artist have to eat.

Image courtesy of Random Photo Journal

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