Central Africa

Pro Helvetia Calls for Artists and Cultural Practitioners for their 2024 residency programme

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Image courtesy of Pro Helvetia 

Pro Helvetia has launched the annual open call for applications for the Pro Helvetia residency programme!

The goal of the Pro Helvetia residency programme is to help build creative exchange between artists and cultural practitioners in Switzerland and their counterparts in Southern, East, Central and West Africa.

Pro Helvetia Johannesburg supports and disseminates Swiss arts and culture in Southern Africa. They also promote cultural exchange, develop and nurture long-term partnerships and support residencies. These residencies give participating artists the opportunity to live and work for an extended period of time in a different cultural environment, build international networks, and gain inspiration while working on new projects and fostering new collaborations.

The residencies programme is open to artists and cultural practitioners working in the fields of visual arts, design and interactive media, music, literature and performing arts, as well as arts practitioners with a transdisciplinary focus. Artists and cultural practitioners from Southern, East, West and Central Africa can apply for residencies in Switzerland, while artists and cultural practitioners from Switzerland may apply for residencies in Southern, East, West or Central Africa. 

Pro Helvetia will provide accommodation for a maximum of three months, travel costs, a daily allowance, professional guidance, a workplace (on request) and a contribution towards production/material costs (on request). Pro Helvetia supports three residencies per person at most. 

The selection criteria include:

  • Convincing track record: professional activity with a national/transregional reach 
  • Context-related motivation 
  • Sufficient knowledge of English
  • Concrete exchange project with a lasting impact 

The artists in residence in 2022 from Africa (West, Central, East and Southern Africa) to Switzerland include:

  • Olaniyi Rasheed Akindiya, Visual Arts, Nigeria > Switzerland
  • Va-Bene Elikem Kofi Fiatsi, Visual Arts, Ghana > Switzerland
  • Arafa Haji, Multidisciplinary, Tanzania > Switzerland
  • Grant Jurius, Visual Arts, South Africa > Switzerland
  • Thando Mangcu, Literature, South Africa > Switzerland
  • Opiyo Okach, Multidisciplinary, Kenya > Switzerland

The artists in residence in 2022 from Switzerland to Africa (West, Central, East and Southern Africa) include:

  • Fabio Hendry, Design, Switzerland > Nigeria
  • Dunja Herzog, Visual Arts, Switzerland > South Africa
  • Andrea Keller, Literature, Switzerland > Gabon
  • Gregory Niemeyer, Innovation & Society, USA/Switzerland > South Africa
  • Daryl Stone, Music, Switzerland > South Africa
  • Anke Zürn, Visual Arts, Switzerland > Senegal

Application must be submitted in English using the online portal myprohelvetia. It is important that applicants choose the option “Residencies of the Liaison Offices” when making their application. Applications may be submitted once a year. The deadline is 1 March 2023. 

For more information, please visit Pro Helvetia.


Iyanuoluwa Adenle is a graduate of Linguistics and African Languages from Obafemi Awolowo University. She is a creative writer and art enthusiast with publications in several journals. She is a writer at Art Network Africa.

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