East Africa

Patrick Cikuru Passes an Environmental Message with His Plastic Waste Portraits of Political Leaders

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Patrick Cikuru is a Congolese artist who has gained international recognition for his series of plastic waste portraits of political leaders. This series, which features portraits of politicians made entirely out of discarded plastic waste, is a powerful commentary on the environmental crisis facing our planet and the role that political leaders play in addressing this issue.

The portraits, which are created by arranging plastic waste into intricate and detailed images, serve as a visual representation of the devastating impact that plastic pollution is having on the environment. By using plastic waste to create portraits of political leaders, Cikuru is making a bold statement about the responsibility that these leaders have to address this issue and to take action to protect our planet.

Image courtesy of the artist

In addition to its environmental message, Cikuru’s work is also notable for its technical skill and attention to detail. The portraits are incredibly lifelike, and are created using a wide range of plastic waste materials, from bottle caps and food packaging to plastic bags and toys. This use of waste material highlights the abundance of plastic pollution in our world, and serves as a powerful reminder of the scale of the environmental crisis that we are facing.

Cikuru’s portraits have received widespread media attention, and have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. They have been praised by art critics and environmental activists alike, and have been described as a unique and powerful voice in the growing global movement to address the environmental crisis.

Image courtesy of the artist

All in all, Patrick Cikuru’s plastic waste portraits of political leaders are an important reminder of the critical role that political leaders play in addressing the environmental crisis. Through his art, Cikuru is raising awareness about the devastating impact of plastic pollution, and is challenging political leaders to take action to protect our planet for future generations. His work is a powerful expression of the importance of using art to engage with and address the important issues of our time, and is a testament to the enduring power of art to inspire change and progress.


Joy Adeboye is a creative writer and visual storyteller. She is a graduate of the Department of English and Literary Studies at Obafemi Awolowo University. She is currently a Writer for Art Network Africa.

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