
East Africa


For the exploration of imagination, feeling and mythology through colourful, vibrant and thought-provoking compositions, African artists are channelling spirituality as a theme in their work. African art has been defined by its themes of symbolism, functionalism, and utilitarianism. With the creation of rich and varied artistic imagery, spirituality…

It is no news that African art has witnessed a season of flourishing. International galleries have learned to embrace those who create and interpret traditional aesthetics, socio-economic realities, diverse beauty and navigating mental health crises in their community. Today, we take you through a journey of discovery to…

With the recent protests that began in America and has caused black communities all over the world to fight for justice, we recognise the importance of these battles we face. Sometimes words are not enough, action is needed. Representation, visibility and wealth, these are a few things that…

In the words of Hans Ulrich Obrist, “Today, curating as a profession means at least four things. It means to preserve, in the sense of safeguarding the heritage of art. It means to be the selector of new work. It means to connect to art history. And it…