
Central Africa


From left to right: Matthieu Kasiama Kilapi, Ced’art Tamasala, Renzo Martens, Hicham Khalidi, and Lisette Mbuku Kimpala. Image courtesy of Koos Breukel/Ocula In collaboration with Renzo Martens, a renowned group of plantation workers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC)…

There are galleries in the diaspora invested in the promotion of art from African artists. Through programming, acquisitions, and exhibitions, a growing number of art institutions are addressing historical gaps and erasures in the representation of Africa and its diasporas. Here is a list of galleries and museums…

The opening of the 2022 1-54 art fair in New York. Courtesy of ARTnews/EVA SAKELLARIDES 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair, the leading international art fair dedicated to contemporary art from Africa and the African diaspora, announced its return to New York with fresh African galleries. The newcomers are;…

Helena Uambembe is an interdisciplinary artist working with textiles, printmaking, photography and performance. She was born in Pomfret the North West, South Africa in 1994 to Angolan parents who fled the civil war raging in their country. Her father was a soldier in the 32 Battalion, a military…