Curators Corner

Art Directors Introduce their Artists at the Art Basel 2023

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Art Basel is a for-profit, privately owned and managed, international art fair staged annually in Basel, Switzerland; Miami Beach; Hong Kong, and Paris. Art directors introduce their artists for the Art Basel 2023, here is a look the work to look forward to from these directors.

Prateek and Priyanka Raja are co-founders of Experimenter Gallery, a gallery that houses and exhibits art that is of the current times. For the Art Basel 2023 exhibition they are presenting a group exhibition titled ‘Off Plain View’. This brings together works by Adip DuttaAlexandra BachzetsisAyesha SultanaBhasha ChakrabartiPraneet SoiRadhika KhimjiRathin Barman, and Sohrab Hura. It juxtaposes perspectives which aim to expand ways of seeing and experiencing the built and natural environments. This is done through elements of landscape, form, architecture, exploration of the body and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships.

Alexandra Bachzetsis, Perfect (2022). Suite of five archival pigment prints. 90 x 60 cm each. Install view.
Alexandra Bachzetsis, Perfect (2022). Suite of five archival pigment prints. 90 x 60 cm each. Install view. Courtesy the artist and Experimenter, Kolkata. Photo: Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, E. Sommer.

The duo are also presenting Alexandra Bachzetsis’s performance Perfect, which references commercial media and visual art to posit questions about self-presentation while addressing body image, representation, and the male gaze. Bachzetsis is the subject of a survey solo exhibition, Notebook, at the Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, and will stage a series of performances at Kaserne Basel during the week.

Eva Presenhuber, Founder of Galerie Eva Presenhuber presented two new monumental paintings by Praneet Soi, which are assemblages of various personal and historical conflicted landscapes that he has been closely working in for over a decade. The traditional Islamic pattern found in architecture in Soi’s field of vision from Kashmir form an active patterned silver background, and is foregrounded with old trees made in silverpoint from his city Amsterdam and other sites that stand as mute witnesses in time.

Praneet Soi, Overlapping Landscapes or Skin (2023). Silverpoint, acrylic and gel on canvas. 250 x 300 cm.
Praneet Soi, Overlapping Landscapes or Skin (2023). Silverpoint, acrylic and gel on canvas. 250 x 300 cm. Image courtesy of the artist and Experimenter, Kolkata.

Cory Nomura is a senor director at Green Neftali Gallery in New York. He is introducing Lubaina Himid whose artwork engages the lack of representation of Black and Asian women artists. Thus, Himid has been committed to showing the work of underrepresented contemporaries. Himid’s work often depicts working people who are not typically singled out as the subjects of paintings and sculptures. ‘Fish Seller: Safety or Danger’ is the latest in an ongoing series that will feature street merchants and their wares, which will be presented in her first dedicated New York gallery exhibition at Greene Naftali.

Lubaina Himid, Fish Seller: Safety or Danger (2023). Acrylic on canvas. 243.8 x 182.9 cm.
Lubaina Himid, Fish Seller: Safety or Danger (2023). Acrylic on canvas. 243.8 x 182.9 cm. Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali, New York. Image courtesy of Andy Keate.and Ocula


Lelethu Sobekwa is a published author, freelance copywriter and editor born in Gqeberha, South Africa. She holds a BA Honours in English and an MA in Creative Writing with distinction from Rhodes University. Lelethu currently writes for Art Network Africa.

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