Central Africa

apexart International Open Call for 2023

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Image courtesy of Sem Sombras/Unshadowed 2022

apexart has announced the open calls for 2023/2024. They are inviting artists, curators, and other professionals to submit their curatorial idea for an apexart exhibition which will be judged through an online jury process. From February 1 – March 1, 2023, apexart will start accepting proposals from curators, artists, writers, and creative individuals, regardless of location or past experience. 

apexart is a non-profit art space that is located in Manhattan, New York. They focus on challenging the gallery system and democratizing the process by which art is curated and exhibited.

Four winning proposals will be selected for apexart exhibitions, which will be presented in their selected locations around the world as part of their 2023-2024 exhibition season. The winning proposals will become part of apexart’s next exhibition season and selected artists and curators will receive funding and staff support. 

One of the winning proposals for apexart’s International Open Call for 2022/2023 was “Sem Sombras/Unshadowed” by Onyịnye Alheri and Carolina Policarpo (Maputo, Mozambique) which highlighted the ways that queer and trans Mozambicans and other Africans of various disciplines – including sound, visual and performance art – are undoing enforced social norms and demanding rights, pleasure, and freedom. 

Curators, artists, writers, and other art professionals are expected to send in proposals of up to 500 words. These proposals should describe focused, idea-driven, and original group exhibitions. It should also entail the cities and countries  and city where the exhibition will take place. No biographical information needed. Professional CVs, links to works, or photographs will be considered. Proposals must be provided in English. Jurors will evaluate submissions anonymously entries. 

The selection process will involve a panel which will include selected professionals from the art world people who will review hundreds of the submitted proposals. Hundreds of international jurors will be invited into the apexart’s crowd-sourced voting system to review proposals on their own schedule. The crowd-sourced jury is composed of more than 600 individuals from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and international locations – including students from 17+ participating university classes – who will vote on the proposals. Since the proposals are anonymous and randomised, each submission will receive the same consideration.

The four winning proposals will each receive an exhibition budget of up to $11,000. There will be an exhibition brochure which will be printed and sent to over six thousand international recipients for the exhibitions. Marketing and advertising will be done in large and local venues, and the show will be part of Apexart’s 2023-2024 exhibition season. Curators will realize their original ideas into apexart exhibitions in collaboration with the apexart team. Exhibition curators are challenged, encouraged, and compelled to work within the constraints of the funding available to turn their winning proposals into small, focused, remarkable exhibitions.

To submit an exhibition proposal, visit https://apexart.org/opencalls.php


Iyanuoluwa Adenle is a graduate of Linguistics and African Languages from Obafemi Awolowo University. She is a creative writer and art enthusiast with publications in several journals. She is a writer at Art Network Africa.

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