ANA Podcast

ANA Podcast; In Studio Visits Nigeria, Presents Chidinma Nnoli

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Welcome to Art News Africa Podcast; Studio Visits Nigeria hosted by Jonas Schwarz Lausten. Introducing Nigerian visual artist Chidinma Nnoli based in Lagos. Nnoli, holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Benin, creates art that explores the relationship between the emotional state of the human body and the environments it occupies, as well as issues of social expectations and personal identity.

Chidinma Nnoli. Image courtesy of Jonas Schwarz Lausten

Chidinma Nnoli, discovered her love of painting at the University of Benin. Her skill have been recognized in prominent institutions including the New York City’s The Armory Show and the Rele Arts Foundation Young Contemporaries.

The Armory Show’s “Not all who wander are Lost (wanderlust)” and Rele Gallery’s “To Wander Untamed” are two examples of Nnoli’s pieces that provoke strong emotions and have caught the attention of media outlets like Vogue and The New York Times. Nnoli continues to have a big influence on the international art scene.

Image courtesy of Jonas Schwarz Lausten

Come along with us as we dive into the fascinating realm of her artwork, where each brushstroke captures the interaction between the body and space, spirituality, tradition, and the very essence of existence.

Follow Chidinma Nnoli on Instagram ⁠@chidinma.nnoli

We appreciate you coming along on this fascinating tour of Chidinma Nnoli’s artwork. Watch this space for more artists in Nigeria’s thriving art scene.


Azeeza Sanni is the General Manager of Art Network Africa. She is a graduate of Middlesex University of Mauritius & Monash South Africa. You can reach her with information/requests on

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