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BlackBox Africa Supports East African Artists  

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Established in May 2024 in Kampala, Uganda, BlackBox Africa is on a quest to offer much needed support for the proliferation of arts in East Africa and beyond. To achieve this, its  institutional residency programme provides emerging and mid-career artists space, materials,  mentorship and finance to research and expand their vocabulary. 

It’s three-tiered programme meets the needs of different categories of artists at specific points in  their career. The programme spans six weeks to nine months based on artist-specific needs.  

BlackBox Africa is an initiative of MoTIV Africa – a Kampala-based organisation that provides tools  and technology, financing, training and productions spaces to creative entrepreneurs across  Africa.

With applications open all year, BlackBox Africa invites its Fellows to produce a portfolio of works  which are ultimately exhibited in group or solo shows. BlackBox Africa is committed to nurturing  African artists’ creative process, while acting as a pillar for their introduction and development  within a flourishing local subculture and global contemporary art scene. 

Cultural producer and multimedia practitioner, Marie-Franz Fordjoe is the Director of BlackBox  Africa, bringing onboard her experience from West Africa and Europe’s art scene. 

Deeply informed by the African sociocultural context, and globally minded, BlackBox Africa is  positioning itself as both a participant in, and a catalyst to the emergence of a striving local  subculture. More than a space for creative development, the residency works hand-in-hand with  other cultural outlets, both public and private.  

Paired with its profound curatorial concern, it emerges as a commercially aware residency  programme: one actively looking to both support the longevity of its artists’ careers within a  competitive art market and strengthen a growing local collectorship. 

Contact Information 

Marie-Franz Fordjoe 

+256 78 525 4900

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