Press Releases

Art Roost Gallery: Young Artists Sustaining The Nigerian Art Landscape

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In a society often fixated on instant results and fleeting moments, there exists a profound appreciation for the beauty of patience and perseverance. This sentiment found its voice in the most recent and fourth exhibition by Art Roost Gallery, titled “Good Things Take Time.” 

This exhibition serves as proof of the enduring spirit of young creatives, particularly those belonging to Gen- Z, who are nurturing and sustaining the country’s Art landscape through their different expression forms.

Artists like Anthony Azekwoh, Morenike Olusanya and Ayanfe Olarinde have long been representing the country on a global scale through intercontinental exhibitions, features and sales. However, not many talents alike have access to platforms that enable them to reach their audience. 

Art Roost Gallery, in its commitment to nurturing young talent, aims to connect local artists with their audience by supporting through resources, and frequent exhibitions in Lagos Nigeria. For this fourth exhibition, exhibiting Artists were able to capture the “Good Things Take Time” theme through their showcase;

Soraya Koshoni
Image courtesy of Art Roost

Soraya Koshoni, with her collection of Polaroid photographs spanning over a decade, displayed a visual diary that expressed the essence of personal growth, reminding guests of the subtle changes that shape our identities over time.

Image courtesy of Art Roost

Similarly, Visual Artist Osima, utilizing the hourglass as a symbolic motif, explored the concept of personal development and growth. Her pieces served as mirrors reflecting the evolution of the self.

Abel Akpa
Image courtesy of Art Roost

Abel Akpa’s photography series demonstrated the spectrum of emotions involved in creative labor, portraying the journey of a creator in their element. These emotions are just as important as the final product.

Ogaga Asamaige
Image courtesy of Art Roost

Ogaga Asamaige’s photo story discussed themes of love, loss, and healing from a personal experience, showing how being vulnerable produces everything good.

Balfaama, Image courtesy of Art Roost

For Balfaama her pieces were symbolic to how something ugly can become beautiful.

Complementing the visual narrative of exhibiting artists was a kinetic interactive presentation by Femi Fala.

About Art Roost Gallery

Founded in Lagos, Nigeria circa 2021 by Tochukwu Ugah, Dara Shonubi, Chino Okafor and Mahmud Alabi. Four friends of similar disciplines stemming from design, architecture and real estate to art and fashion. Their appreciation for art & culture is quite unique as a result of the society they exist in, which favors other creative expressions such as music and film.

Art roost literally means an art nest. The gallery serves as a nest for nurturing young contemporary artists while connecting to young art collectors and fostering an art community amongst youths in Nigeria. For more information visit

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