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Olu Alake Appointed As The New CEO Of The Africa Center, London

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The Africa Center, London, has appointed Olu Alake as its new CEO. Having served at the Peel Institute as the CEO and worked with Beyond profit organizations, his expertise will drive fruitful conversations on the cultural preservation of African Art in the UK. He expressed his excitement and honor in leading this iconic organization during its 60th anniversary. He is enthusiastic about the new strategic approach that will position The Africa Centre as a cultural embassy for Africa and its Diaspora. The new strategy furthermore, celebrates and invests in their diverse cultures.

Olu alake( middle) at the Worlds Arts and Culture Summit, 2023, Stockholm.

Established in 1964, The Africa Centre has been a home for numerous cultural icons from Africa and the Caribbean. Olu, having strong managerial skills, has a strong determination to build upon the success of The Africa Centre and take it to greater heights. The board and staff of the organization enthusiastically welcome Olu as the new CEO. They emphasize his deep knowledge, passion, and experience in working at the intersection of culture, social justice, and human rights.

The center was previously established to foster relations between the newly independent Africa and Britain in the early 1960s. Today, it serves as a historic cultural institution that promotes positive conversations about Africa. Additionally , it aims to connect, educate and advocate for Africa and its diaspora in the UK. Olu will take on his role at the Africa Center, starting on July 17th. Under his leadership, the organization is ready to achieve even greater success and create a lasting impact in promoting African culture and fostering unity among its diaspora. The appointment of Olu Alake marks an exciting new chapter for The Africa Centre.

The Africa Centre actively promotes African culture and heritage through a range of programs and initiatives. These encompass its strategic pillars of Culture, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Education, Intellectual Leadership, and Community. With Olu Alake at the helm, the organization looks forward to expanding its community outreach. It will further forge stronger local and global partnerships and celebrate its 60-year journey of educating, connecting, and advocating for Africa and its diaspora in 2024. The future is bright as The Africa Centre embarks on this journey with renewed determination and ambition.


Rose Mwikali Musyoki is a creative writer from Nairobi, Kenya. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business and Finance from the University of Embu, Kenya, and is the founder of Bloom Inc, an art startup in Kenya. Currently, she works as a writer for Art Network Africa.

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