
Tems: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Taking the World by Storm At the Met Gala 2023

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As Africans, it often feels like we are always in the spotlight for something negative. Whether it’s poverty, war, or corruption, the media tends to focus on the problems facing the continent. However, Africa is incredible and has had a lot of achievements throughout its years. This phenomenon is not new but rather reflects longstanding stereotypes and biases that have persisted for centuries. This narrative has not only caused people to pose questions like ‘Do you guys have beaches in Africa?’. It also perpetuates a negative attitude towards this beautiful continent, ( in 2023) which Is very ignorant.

Today, we continue to see the effects of these stereotypes in the media coverage of Africa. News outlets often focus on negative stories, such as famine, disease, and conflict. They continuously ignore the positive developments happening on the continent. This kind of coverage reinforces the perception that Africa is a place of endless struggle and suffering. However, it is important to show the diverse and dynamic nature of the continent.

Despite these challenges, African artists and creatives are bravely stepping onto the world stage and making their voices heard. Singers like Tems, who recently graced both the Grammys and the Met Ball, are breaking barriers and challenging stereotypes about what it means to be African in the global entertainment industry.

Nigerian singer Tems arrives for the 2023 Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum. Image courtesy of Instagram

Tems, a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and producer, has gained widespread recognition for her unique sound and powerful lyrics. She first rose to prominence with her debut single “Mr Rebel” in 2018. Since then, she has released several hit songs, including “Try Me,” “These Days,” and “Damages.” Her music is a fusion of Afrobeat, R&B, and soul. She draws from her own experiences and creates songs that speak to the struggles and triumphs of life as a young African woman.

Tems at the Grammys Red Carpet 2023. Image courtesy of Instagram

Tems’ success is particularly significant given the historical biases and stereotypes that have characterized Western perceptions of African music. For many years, African music was dismissed as unsophisticated, and lacking the technical and artistic qualities of Western music. This attitude began to change in the 1960s and 1970s, as musicians like Fela Kuti and Miriam Makeba. Today, African music has reached global status. Artists such as Tems are gaining fans and accolades around the world.

Tems’ outfits at the Grammys and the Met Ball were a testament to her bold and unapologetic approach to fashion. At the Grammys, she wore a stunning yellow gown that showcased her Nigerian heritage. The dress paid homage to her culture, with intricate beading and embroidery At the Met Ball, she opted for a sleek and modern look, wearing a black dress with cutouts and a dramatic train. Both outfits were a celebration of African fashion and style, and a reminder that African artists have much to offer the world in terms of creativity and innovation.

The negative portrayal of Africa in the media is a reflection of longstanding biases and stereotypes that have persisted for centuries. However, African artists like Tems are bravely stepping onto the world stage and challenging these stereotypes with their talent, creativity, and boldness. As we celebrate their achievements, we must also work to break down the barriers and biases that continue to hold Africa back and create a more just and equitable world for all.


Rose Mwikali Musyoki is a creative writer from Nairobi, Kenya. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business and Finance from the University of Embu, Kenya, and is the founder of Bloom Inc, an art startup in Kenya. Currently, she works as a writer for Art Network Africa.

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