East Africa

Roger Ballen – The Idea Behind “End of the Game”

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Following the opening of Inside out, an art exhibition space in Johnannsburg, artist and founder, Roger Ballen announced their first exhibition “End of the Game.”

Photographic artist Roger Ballen Ballen has lived and worked in South Africa for almost 40 years.

The exhibition’s name is taken from Peter Beard’s landmark 1965 book. Beard’s book details the heinous acts of extinction of African species in the national parks of Uganda and Kenya’s Tsavo plains.

Through a combination of documentary images, artefacts and film clips, along with Ballen’s photographs and installations, the exhibition attempts to record and highlight the historical significance and context of the ‘Golden Age’ of African hunting expeditions by colonialists and powerful Western figureheads — such as Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, King Edward VIII and Hemingway — which took place from the mid 1800s onwards.

The artist’s method explores the deeper, psychological connection that man has to the natural world in classic Ballenesque form.

The exhibition chronicles unrestrained hunting, which has aided in the current ecological destruction.

A lioness towers over a seemingly dead hunter, her paws pinning his body to the ground. A woman dressed in black, her face replaced by a leopard’s head, sits flanked by three prowling wild cats. The two installations are part of the latest exhibition.

The exhibition, according to Roger Ballen, who is known for his provocative work into the human psyche, aims to examine the “antagonistic” relationship between Man and Nature, particularly the extinction of African animals.

“If you look at the history of humanity, it’s just been a destruction of nature, the destruction of wildlife,” said Ballen, a New York native, who has lived and worked in South Africa for almost 40 years.

Wildlife numbers across the continent have dropped 66 percent since 1970, according to the World Wildlife Fund. From black rhinos to pangolins, numerous species are now critically endangered. The display zooms in on the “Golden Age” of African hunting around the end of the 19th century, when Ballen said “the problem started”.

The photographer hopes the space will help lift Johannesburg’s cultural scene and become a stop for tourists passing through the city on their way to big game parks. “We would hope that they come in as one person (and) go out as another,” Ballen said. 

“Despondent” (2020), a photograph taken by Roger Ballen. This is one of the photographs that marks the artist’s transition into colour after 50 years of photographing exclusively in black-and-white. Courtesy of Roger Ballen.

Clips of former US President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1909 hunting trip, where more than 11,000 animals were killed for cataloguing purposes, are played, as the mannequins of two children sporting safari hats sit among the audience.

Near the entrance, a man covered head to toe by a roaring lion’s skin holds two screaming human heads in wooden, orange bags.

Photos juxtaposing man and animals adorn the walls that enclose other artworks dominated by taxidermy animals, skeletons, and puppets. 

Yet Roger Ballen, who cuts a slender figure in a black shirt over black trousers and black sneakers, refutes descriptions of his work as dark or unsettling.

“I find it interesting. It’s bits and pieces of the world around me as I see it,” he told AFP in an interview. “The world isn’t necessarily flowers and whiskey and love… life is made up of positives (and) negatives”. 

Still, the exhibition hopes to “psychologically challenge” and make a “deep impression on people”, he said. 

This has been a recurring theme in Ballen’s career, which has long featured black-and-white photographs of fictionalised scenes aiming to stir the viewer. “It is not just like looking at another cloud, or another thing on Instagram that you just forget immediately,” said Ballen. “If it has a psychological impact, that’s likely to remain in somebody’s mind”.

“The End of Game.” Courtesy of Inside Out

Bardi Osobuanomola Catherine is a budding storyteller. Her academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Benin. She has contributed to numerous Art publications across Africa. She is currently a Writer for Art Network Africa.

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