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Amoako Boafo Releases Monograph

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Ghanaian artist, Amoako Boafo recently released a monograph that provides a comprehensive exploration of his career to date. The monograph is a richly illustrated book that includes original contributions from Osei Bonsu, Rachel Cargle, Mutombo Da Poet, and Aja Monet. Additionally, readers can delve into an insightful and wide-ranging conversation between the artist and Paul Schimmel.

Boafo is well known for developing a unique practice that reimagines the way art reflects and sustains the power of representation. The primary idea of his practice according to him is “representation, documenting, celebrating and showing new ways to approach Blackness.”. Boafo’s portraits are characterized by their vibrant colours and their ability to celebrate his subjects. Through his work, Boafo challenges the traditional representation of blackness that is objectifying and dehumanizing.

Image courtesy of the Artist

What makes Boafo’s work truly stand out is his ability to capture subtle nuances and complex emotions in a way that deeply engages the viewer. The tenderness with which he portrays his subject is truly remarkable. His portraits are rendered such that they exude intimacy and hold the attention of the viewer. His use of single-colour backgrounds allows the subjects to be the sole focus of the work, making it difficult to misinterpret it. His work not only expresses the vibrancy of daily life but also addresses themes of community, social and political struggles, and the intimacy between like-minded friends.

Image courtesy of Amazon

Boafo’s career began with studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, after which he was awarded the Walter Koschatzky Art Prize in 2017. His work has been exhibited in prominent institutions such as the Volksunde Museum, Kunsthalle Vienna, Mumok, and The Bass Museum in Miami. He has also garnered wide range collectors among both private and public collections, with recent acquisitions by the Leopold Museum in Vienna, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

Image courtesy of the artist

Through his powerful portraits, Amoako Boafo has created a space for Blackness to be celebrated and represented on its own terms. His work challenges the norm and offers a new way to approach representation; especially black representation. The release of the Amoako Boafo monograph creates an avenue for the impact of his work on the art world to be explored and fully appreciated.

The book, Amoako Boafo: For Black Souls can be found on Amazon, here.


Joy Adeboye is a creative writer and visual storyteller. She is a graduate of the Department of English and Literary Studies at Obafemi Awolowo University. She is currently a Writer for Art Network Africa.

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