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More on The “African Mona Lisa”

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The African Mona Lisa, also known as “Tutu,” is a portrait by Nigerian artist Ben Enwonwu. The painting is considered a masterpiece of modern African art and is one of the most iconic and significant artworks of the 20th century. The painting is a symbol of the struggles and triumphs of African art and its place in the global art world.

Enwonwu painted “Tutu” in 1974, while living in Lagos, Nigeria. The subject of the painting is Adetutu Ademiluyi, a granddaughter of a revered traditional ruler from the Yoruba ethnic group in Nigeria. The painting was lost for decades, and in 2018, it was rediscovered and sold at an auction in London for over one million pounds.

Image courtesy of Bonhams

The painting has become known as the African Mona Lisa because of its iconic status in the art world. Like the Mona Lisa, “Tutu” has a magnetic quality that draws viewers in and captures their imagination. The painting is a masterpiece of portraiture and captures the essence of its subject’s personality and spirit.

Enwonwu was a pioneer of modern African art and played a significant role in elevating African art to the global stage. He was one of the first African artists to receive international recognition, and his work helped to challenge stereotypes and promote the richness and diversity of African culture. “Tutu” is a testament to his talent and dedication to showcasing the beauty and complexity of African art.

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The painting’s discovery and subsequent sale in 2018 created a sensation in the art world and sparked renewed interest in Enwonwu’s work. The painting was featured in major exhibitions in Europe and Africa, and it has become a symbol of the global reach and significance of African art.

The African Mona Lisa, or “Tutu,”  is a magnificent example of modern African art that exemplifies the continent’s rich cultural heritage and artistic skill. Enwonwu’s artwork has crossed geographic and cultural boundaries to become a renowned icon in the international art community, highlighting the significance of showcasing and honoring the diversity of African art.


Joy Adeboye is a creative writer and visual storyteller. She is a graduate of the Department of English and Literary Studies at Obafemi Awolowo University. She is currently a Writer for Art Network Africa.

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