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A New Art Experience at RMB Latitudes 2023

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Latitudes, an online marketplace for art from Africa, has partnered with Rand Merchant Bank (RMB), a leading African corporate and investment bank, to bring an exciting new indoor/outdoor art experience to Johannesburg.

Image courtesy of Latitudes

RMB Latitudes is an artist-forward and an indoor-outdoor art experience with a focus on discovery and development. In May 2023, artists from across Africa will gather at Shepstone Gardens to participate in a curated celebration of African art. The intimate venue will welcome artists, curators, galleries, and other art enthusiasts. Invited guests will be encouraged to create their own unique exhibition spaces, redefining the venue, Shepstone Gardens. There will be solo and duo artist presentations at the event. 

 “We are thrilled to partner with Latitudes who mirror our belief in Africa’s vibrant and resourceful creative economy. This public showcase of African artistic expression, in a unique Johannesburg venue, reinforces the importance of unlocking this continent’s creative talent,” says Rand Merchant Bank’s executive, Carolynne Waterhouse. 

“We are looking forward to welcoming visitors and the arts industry to a uniquely African art experience, that is inclusive, fair, highly curated and embraces our natural environment,” says Lucy MacGarry, Latitudes Co-founder. “Having always admired RMB’s committed support of the arts and refreshing approach to their many art initiatives, we are incredibly proud to come together to realise our shared vision.”

Image courtesy of Latitudes

Latitudes began as a physical art fair in 2019, and there were about 6000 people in attendance, with 24 galleries exhibiting. The fair has since grown to become an important participant in the African art business. The all-female team manages an online marketplace for African art, a physical art show, a series of mentorship programs, and an art prize, all with the objective of giving independent artists a voice and connecting artists with buyers. Latitudes questions how art is seen, experienced, and acquired, with the goal of making the process more inclusive, less scary, and ultimately pleasant for collectors.

As a destination event, the RMB Latitudes fair is aimed at celebrating the creative spirit, fostering new relationships, connecting artists and galleries to buyers and the public, and creating new opportunities. The fair will also be presented online, on both Latitudes and Artsy.

From 26 to 28 of May 2023, the art fair visitors will be able to soak up the finest of African contemporary art and creativity, while taking walks through the iconic Johannesburg garden and enjoying art conversations, connecting with fellow art enthusiasts, artists or key players in the art industry on and outside the continent. There will also be contemporary dining experiences, and champagne, wine and gin bars. 

In 2022, Latitudes sent out a call for exhibitors and the list will be released any day now. 


Iyanuoluwa Adenle is a graduate of Linguistics and African Languages from Obafemi Awolowo University. She is a creative writer and art enthusiast with publications in several journals. She is a writer at Art Network Africa.

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